
Akritas Kaidatzis

Associate Professor at the Law School of the Aristotle Univesity of Thessaloniki

Akritas Kaidatzis is lawyer at the Supreme Court and associate professor at the Aristotle Univesity of Thessaloniki Law School, where he teaches Constitutional Law, Human Rights, and Constitutional History. He also teaches at the Department of Political Science of the same university and at the Hellenic Open University. He has studied and researched at the Law Schools og the Universities of Hannover, Bremen, and Glasgow. He is member of the Thessaloniki Bar Association since 1999, and practices law at the Council of State and administrative courts. He also provides legal counceling and has experience in drafting legislatibe texts. He has served as Head of the Legal Office of the General Secretariat of the Hellenic Government (2016-2018) and Decretary General of the Hellenic Government (2018-2019). He is the author of three monograps and numerous legal articles.


  1. Progressive populism and democratic constitutionalism, Revus Journal for Constitutional Theory and Philosophy of Law 47/2022,
  2. Socio-economic rights enforcement and resource allocation in times of austerity: The case of Greece 2015-2018, in: A. Farahat & X. Arzoz (eds.), Contesting Austerity: A Socio-Legal Inquiry, Hart Publishing 2021, σ. 273-291
  3. Moyens modernes, buts traditionnels : le discours constitutionnel de l’Église de Grèce, Revue ¿ Interrogations ?, N° 25, décembre 2017, = αναδημοσίευση σε:, n. 2/2018
  4. L’état d’exception dans la pratique et la jurisprudence constitutionnelle grecque, Revue En Jeu – Histoire et Mémoires vivantes No 5, Dossier La démocratie à l’épreuve de l’ « état d’exception » (2015), σ. 97-107
  5. Greece’s third way in Prof. Tushnet’s distinction between strong-form and weak-form judicial review, and what we may learn from it, Jus Politicum No 13/2014,
  6. A typology of the constitutional limitations on privatization, Hellenic Review of European Law 2009, σ. 79-96
  7. Die Wirklichkeit der innerparteilichen Demokratie in Griechenland, Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen 1999, σ. 472–486